On Tuesday, WhatsApp introduced a new feature aimed at enhancing the video-calling experience on its platform: screen sharing. This move places WhatsApp in direct competition with established video conferencing apps like Microsoft Meet, Google Meet, Zoom, and Apple’s FaceTime.
The latest feature was announced by Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg in a Facebook post and on his Instagram channel. It allows users to share various elements such as documents, photos, and even their online shopping carts with contacts during video calls.
Initially, screen sharing on WhatsApp was released to select beta testers on the Android platform in late May. To activate screen sharing, users can tap or click the “Share” icon and then choose between sharing a specific app or their entire screen. This process mirrors the screen-sharing functionality found in conventional video-conferencing platforms like Google Meet and Zoom.
According to WhatsApp, the screen-sharing feature is gradually rolling out to Android, iOS, and Windows Desktop users in stages. This means that while the feature may not be immediately visible, it will become available soon.
In addition to screen sharing, WhatsApp has introduced video-calling support in Landscape mode, offering a wider and more immersive viewing experience compared to the existing Portrait mode. This Landscape mode support could also enhance the screen-sharing experience on the platform.
Video calling has been a part of WhatsApp for over six years, debuting for all users on the platform in November 2016. However, the messaging app is continuously improving its video-calling service to stay competitive. Recent updates have included features like picture-in-picture support for video calls on iOS and the ability to share short video messages in chats. Video communication has become a vital form of interaction for many users.
While screen sharing has been a staple feature in video-conferencing apps, even those designed for consumers, WhatsApp has taken it a step further by extending this capability to users on Android, iOS, and desktop platforms. Apple’s FaceTime also introduced a form of screen sharing known as SharePlay in 2021, catering to iOS users.