Google: Bard A.I. is not just about search

Google recently rolled out its chatbot AI called “BARD” in order to stay in the competition with the OpenAI chatGPT that has gained much popularity.
In a report, Google has made it clear to its executives, that BARD as an AI service is not just for search but for something much greater.
However Google did not give a direction in which it is focusing on and did not provide specific use cases. In an all-hands meeting Thursday, Jack Krawczyk, the product lead for Bard
said “I just want to be very clear: Bard is not search,” in response to an employee’s written question.

Many employee have questioned google on its failed announcement of the artificial intelligence engine called Bard,
and have also criticized the leadership, most notably CEO Sundar Pichai, for the way it handled the announcement of Bard,
Google’s ChatGPT competitor.
Staffers called Google’s initial public presentation “rushed,” “botched” and “un-Googley,” as many users move away
from the regular search to AI-powered ChatGPT responses that allow for more conversational and creative answers.

In the meeting, many questions was asked and some of it are as follow, along with the response given by the excecutives
“Bard and ChatGPT are large language models, not knowledge models. They are great at generating human-sounding text,
they are not good at ensuring their text is fact-based. Why do we think the big first application should be Search,
which at its heart is about finding true information?” Krawczyk responded by immediately saying,
“I just want to be very clear: Bard is not search.”

“It’s an experiment that’s a collaborative AI service that we talked about,” Krawczyk said.
“The magic that we’re finding in using the product is really around being this creative companion to helping you
be the sparkplug for imagination, explore your curiosity, etc.”

But Krawczyk was quick to follow up by saying, “we can’t stop users from trying to use it like search.”
He said Google is still catering to people who want to use it for search, indicating that the company has built a new
feature for internal use called “Search It.” “We’re going to be trying to get better at generating the queries associated
there, as well as relaying to users our confidence,” Krawczyk said. He added that users will see a tab that says “view other
drafts,” which would point people away from search-like results.

“But as you want to get into more of the search-oriented journeys, we already have a product for that — it’s called search,” he said.
According to source, another top-rated question on that Thursday asked Pichai for different use cases for Bard,
since Google employees were asked to help on search and “to rewrite queries with factual information.”

Pichai said in his response. “It’s important to acknowledge that it’s experimental. It’s super important to acknowledge
the limitations of these products as well.” Those limits are something he’s addressed in the past.

Pichai said that with Bard, “you are exposing the ability for users to converse with LLMs,” which will improve over time.
“And obviously our product engineers are on top of it,” he said.

“Products like this get better the more the people who use them,” Pichai said. “It’s a virtuous cycle.”

Obviously, it is clear that Goggle is pivoting at this point into something different that will give BARD a new feature.
More so, Google executives repeatedly said the technology it was developing internally could be integrated with search.

By 4niso

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